Unfortunately once payment has been accepted, we cannot amend your order in the following ways: changing the size / colour of an item, removing an item, adding an item, or changing payment/delivery method.
We cannot guarantee that order cancellation will be possible, especially during busy periods such as Christmas or sale.
We may be able to cancel your order or amend the delivery address if you get in touch shortly after placing it. We cannot cancel an order or amend your delivery address after it has shipped, so we recommend getting in touch as soon as possible (i.e. within 30 mins of placing the order) if you'd like to make either of these requests.
When getting in touch, please quote your order number so we can assist you as quickly as possible. If you are needing to amend your delivery address, please also provide the correct address in your email/message. Any of this information not provided will delay your request and increase the likelihood that we are unable to cancel or amend the address before it ships.
Once an order is cancelled, we cannot undo this. You will need to replace the order yourself.
If you have already received your goods then you may return them in accordance with the UK Distance Selling Regulations, and our Returns Policy.